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Advances in commercial geography.


For the first time meet in a publication, the leading exponents of contemporary geography as Brian J. L. Berry, Neil Wrigley, Richard Shearmur, Luc Anselin and Jim Simmons in order to analyze the

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Advances in commercial geography.

Prospects, methods and applications.

Carlos Garrocho (editor)


For the first time meet in a publication, the leading exponents of contemporary geography as Brian J. L. Berry, Neil Wrigley, Richard Shearmur, Luc Anselin and Jim Simmons in order to analyze the past, present and future of geography applied to commercial and service activities. Also involved prominent Mexican scholars as Carlos Garrocho, José Antonio Álvarez Lobato, Tania Chavez and Flores Zochitl who address the context of urban structures, linked to advances in spatial analysis, oriented tertiary activities in the intra-urban space, particularly in Mexican cities.

 Principio del formulario

The authors analyze case studies in order to explore the future of commercial geography within cities, focusing on tertiary activities. In addition, the study shows that in fact there seems to be a consensus towards the meaning of commercial geography. The authors note that the use of the term cluster refers to tertiary agglomerated firms and emphasize that a cluster is the placement of independent economic entities related in some way, but are not bound by a single owner or dosing, along with proximity to labor markets, access to customers and suppliers, reduce search costs for consumers, tracking competitors, availability of infrastructure and land use planning, etcetera.

The last objective of the work is related with the research and knowledge about the spatial organization and offers some elements to a better explanation about spatial organization of tertiary activities within the cities along with an abstract vocabulary and methodological resources to bring about curiosity in the reader, propitiate questions and highlight the contributions of this work.



Carlos Garrocho

Part I: Radar Views

Commercial and Economic Geography: Past and Future

Brian J. L. Berry

Towards a Policy Engaged Retail Geography

Neil Wrigley

What is an Urban Structure? The Challenge of Foreseeing 21st Century Spatial Patterns of the Urban Economy

Richard Shearmur

From SpaceStat to CyberGIS: Twenty Years of Spatial Data Analysis Software

Luc Anselin

Part II: Case Studies

The Evolution of Commercial Structure in the North America City: A Toronto Case Study

Jim Simmons

Spatial Organization of Banking Branches in the Intra-Metropolitan Space in Toluca, México

Carlos Garrocho y José Antonio Álvarez Lobato

Microspatial Analysis of Tertiary Activities in the Traditional Business of a Big Mexican City

Zochilt Flores,  Carlos Garrocho, Tania Chávez y José Antonio Álvarez Lobato

México, 2013

270 Páginas

ISBN: 978-607-7761-49-5

3 Libros

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